Christmas is over, it is officially a new year. It's the time of resolutions, or as I like to call them, the ok to lie to yourself. Maybe that's because I have never, ever kept any resolution I have ever made.....ever. I don't even feel bad about it. : )
I have taken down the Christmas tree, almost finished putting the living room furniture back in order. I haven't started to put away the misc. knick knacks of Santa, ornaments, and other Christmas decorations. I think I'm even going to put away my winter snowmen and penguins. I feel the need to put my home back in regular order. Whatever "regular" means. I do want to get out my Valentine's boxes and see what lurks there. I know I don't have much, and I see some projects coming together in my head!
As for this new blog I'm starting, I think I want to do a photo of the day, and know I want to post my projects whether it's scrapbooking, altered canvas', or other various crafty goodness. I'm learning, and we'll just see how this goes!
I bid you happiness, prosperity, and love in this new year of 2009! Oh...and this...just for fun!